I was resting in bed upstairs as I recovered from major surgery. My children’s laughter reached the bedroom and woke me up. They were giggling of excitement as grandma once again came up with a new, creative way to play with them.
I smiled and uttered a prayer of thanksgiving for my mom. Once again, this loving woman had dropped everything in her life and had flown 6,000 miles to take care of me and my family in a time of need. Regardless of distance, time or cost, I know that as long as God gives her breath, I can always count on my mom.
My mind goes back in time and I remember our relationship as I grew up. As many women of her day, mom had to work five days a week and sometimes on the weekends to help the family budget; therefore she was not very involved in our day-to-day activities. During the teenage years, as my parents’ relationship became stormy, we were all victims in the consequences of a broken marriage. Hormones and anger made my young mind shut down to any common sense. The hurt of seeing my parents growing apart blinded any attempt to understand my mother and so our relationship became distant and shaky.
As we both struggled with our individual crisis, we hurt each other deeply. As in many other mother-daughter situations that I have known, there was pain, misunderstanding and incompatibility for far too many years.
Today, however, in spite of anything in the past, I can honestly say that Mom is a best friend. I long to see her and spend time with her. I love to hear her voice when I dial her number. And even though our personalities are pretty different and we don’t always agree, our love and longing to be together grows deeper with each passing year.
Our secret?
We set each other free.
We can’t help but grow old, but we have to choose to grow wiser.
We can’t help but grow old, but we have to choose to grow wiser. #TwelveInchesBibleStudy #FaithBridge #RechargeWednesday #linkup Share on XAs a grown woman, I started to understand her longings, sorrows and disappointments. I often made myself put on her shoes to imagine her experiences.
When I became a Christian at 25, I realized for the first time that no one is worthy of forgiveness; however, that is exactly what Christ offers to anyone who will ask. I also came to realize that true love never withholds forgiveness and that we cannot expect to be forgiven if we don’t forgive others. This former Catholic schoolgirl knew all too well the words of the Lord’s Prayer in Luke 11: “And forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.”
I know several mothers and daughters who are wasting time and missing out on an abundant life with each other because of unforgiveness. I know daughters who dread the thought of being around their mother and mothers whose daughter can never measure up to their expectations. I know mothers who compete with their daughters and daughters who will never agree with their moms, even when they are absolutely right. The same occurs in different relationships where trust and dreams are shattered. Without forgiveness, there is no factual restoration. Without restoration, our future is bound to defeat. Heaven shuts down.
As we stand in a position of self-righteousness, holding on to thirty-year-old grudges, we fail to realize that we are the ones held in bondage. Even if the person who wronged you has a hardened heart and continually hurts you, do yourself a favor: Set them free! Ask God to help you forgive them and pray for them. Extend the same forgiveness that you so long to receive from those you hurt.
As we stand in a position of self-righteousness, holding on to thirty-year-old grudges, we fail to realize that we are the ones held in bondage. #TwelveInchesBibleStudy #FaithBridge #rechargeWednesday #linkup Share on XI cannot remember exactly when it started, but somewhere along life’s way, I started to choose to love my mom for whom she is. I don’t try to change her and I don’t look back anymore. I look forward to the years we have ahead of us. No matter how many we have, I am choosing, one step at a time, to fully, abundantly enjoy each one.
Regardless of who hurt you, whether it was a parent, spouse or friend, forgiving is not easy. Actually, I believe it’s quite impossible without God. But with His help, you can.
Have you tried asking Him to help you overcome?
“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26
Hello, friends!
The post above is an excerpt from my new Bible Study Twelve Inches – Bridging the gap between what you know about God and how you feel. Registration for this free bible study is now open on our website (click here to be directed to the page). We have also opened registrations for many volunteer positions. Check this out: JOIN OUR TEAM.
Below you will watch a short Promo video about the heart of this book and bible study. I hope you join us!
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LINKUP PARTY is open! Today, I share an excerpt from my new free Bible Study about setting those who hurt us free. Join us, share your blog and sign up for the Bible Study! #TwelveInchesBibleStudy #FaithBridge #Linkup Share on X
Thank you for this testimony and truth from God’s Word.
You’re welcome, Barbara! Thank you for participating!
What a beautiful example of relational wholeness! We are all in need of forgiveness and a fresh start. Thank you for the push to be the one to go first in freeing others (and ultimately ourselves)!
That’s it!! What people who hold grudges don’t understand is that they’re the one held in bondage! May the Lord help us always forgive…
Patricia, thank you for sharing your beautiful story of forgiveness and restoration with your mom. Bitterness certainly keeps us in bondage, and Christ is our strength and example.
Amen, Debbie! It’s one of my favorite God stories!!!
Congratulations on the Bible Study! Praying God uses it to bless many and brings together a wonderful team for the ministry!
Amen, Bethany! Thank you for previewing it for me! Now it’s edited and out!!! Bless you, sister!
Such a beautiful relationship story.
Thank you, Lauren! Blessings to you!
Thanks for being real, and giving a lot of hope to parents of teens and young adults!
You’re welcome, Jerralea! Thank you for participating !
I had a conversation last night with a dear friend who is in a struggling relationship with her daughter. I’m sure they will work it out, whatever it is, because of their mutual desire to set each other free. The Spirit is strong in both of them. Thanks for sharing this story! It is encouraging.
Thank you, Lisa! As long as both parties are open to seek restoration, God is always there to guide them into that path. Thank you for sharing!!
This is a beautiful post, Patricia. My relationship with my mom has been broken and strained for years. I’ve forgiven her for all the ways she has injured my heart starting in childhood. But she refuses to have a relationship with me and has me blocked from her life. The Lord has taught me many lessons about forgiveness just by Him giving me the power to truly forgive her. Now, in my current valley, forgiveness came a little easier because of the work the Lord had done in my heart.
Love this: “Without forgiveness, there is no factual restoration. Without restoration, our future is bound to defeat.” Amen, sister!
Thank you for sharing your beautiful testimony here. You are so right. I’ve been blessed that my mom and I both sought the restoration, but many do not have that opportunity. Regardless, it is for our good that we set them free! Love to you, sister!
By the way, also shared your promo video on Twitter and Facebook.
Thank you, sweet friend! I appreciate it!