Ministério em Português
I ‘m so glad you’re here!
The study and application of Scriptures changed my life.
I am just a girl who has gone through many trials and came out on the other side with stronger, steadfast faith.
My desire is to share with you the principles and lessons God has taught me that can help you find the Abundant Life that Jesus promised regardless of your circumstances.
Come inside and take a peek!
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There are many tools in my Abundant Life toolbox!
Whether in my interviews with bestselling authors with incredible stories, writing faith columns and blogs, or through my courses, I know you’ll find something to inspire and strengthen your faith!
The Shop
Find my books and merchandise to help you live and share with others the abundant life that Jesus gives!
More items will be added as we grow!
Ministry Coaching
Has God put a dream in your heart? It could be starting a blog, a business, or a ministry to further His kingdom. Whatever your dream, you may need a coach to help you with the steps. I can help!