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  • Study Guide PDF + Video Access Only (No Book)


    Patricia knows it firsthand how our emotions can prevent us from living victoriously. For many years after salvation, she lived an inconsistent Christian  life, easily tossed about by hardships and temptations. And now she invites you to join her In this study, based on the lessons learned through a life-changing journey that helped her live victoriously through cancer, unemployment, great financial loss, and the tragic death of a loved one.

    Through this study, you will be challenged to:

    • Identify the habits, people and environments that may be preventing you from overcoming your circumstances.
    • Establish and commit to consistent spiritual rhythms that will help anchor your heart to the truths and promises of God.
    • Learn how to consistently overcome the stress of unsettling circumstances by the power of God’s Word.

    When you sign up for the Twelve Inches Bible Study, you will receive a beautifully designed free printout of John 10:10: “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”